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jUDDI Example Access UDDIv2 using Transport Adapter – JIRA Report Fork me on GitHub

JIRA Report

Key Summary Status Resolution By
JUDDI-940 Wrong namespace for portType: "UDDI_Inquiry_PortType" (not compliant with UDDI V3 !) Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-884 CSRF Potential for juddi-gui/ajax/tmodelsearch.jsp Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-785 find with CASE_INSENSITIVE_SORT throws JPA exception Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-777 mvn build process is broken in windows Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-769 juddi-gui all gui functions are broken due to UDDIClient change Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-752 UDDI_040_BusinessServiceLoadTest fails to run Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-727 Publish validation does not validate node ownership Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-716 Unrecognized Value for Element: X509IssuerSerial Closed Fixed Kurt T Stam
JUDDI-704 jUDDI API Wsdl in source trunk is not synced with code base Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-701 Run findbugs before release Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-697 juddi-gui complete edit subscription page Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-696 juddi-gui may not generate aes keys using oracle jre without jce Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-685 Asciidoc generation fails Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-643 Documentation pom fails Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-623 WSDL files are not syncronized with JUDDI API ws Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-565 Binding template validation rules are incorrect Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-173 WS marshalling exception Closed Fixed Jeff Faath
JUDDI-957 Integration test not passing. org.apache.juddi.v3.tck.UDDI_070_FindEntityIntegrationTest:findSignedEntities() Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-945 Validation error in the JUDDI web.xml (non-Tomcat containers) Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-936 OutOfMemoryError accessing admin interface. Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-809 find service's minimum elements is incorrect Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-778 Update buildbot config for the new maven profiles Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-762 deleting a publisher should also delete their content, auth tokens Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-712 Add validation for saving projected entities when a signature is present Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-670 Document the correct usage of UDDIClientContainer Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-655 Maximum subscription results count is not honored for asynch notifications Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-639 Create batch and shell scripts for encryption credentials Closed Fixed Kurt T Stam
JUDDI-621 Create documentation and examples for running juddi-client in embedded mode Closed Fixed Kurt T Stam
JUDDI-580 Validation Framework Enhancements Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-546 After deployed juddiv3-war-3.1.3 on WebSphere 7 default AXIS Transport URL's are not working Closed Fixed Kurt T Stam
JUDDI-508 delete_tModel not working with LocalTransport(juddi-client) Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-481 Bug? One of the last "2" businesses deleted, recreated the business and received juddi.rootPartition error! Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-466 ClassCast exception in ValidatePublish Closed Fixed Kurt T Stam
JUDDI-336 Fix WSDL endpoint so they align with the spec. Closed Fixed Kurt T Stam
JUDDI-330 fix logging Closed Fixed Thomas Cunningham
JUDDI-328 NotificationList is a possible memory leak Closed Fixed Thomas Cunningham
JUDDI-326 jUDDI AuthenticatorFactory may fail to correctly resolve the implementation Closed Fixed Thomas Cunningham
JUDDI-318 Need a way of passing UDDI configs into a map Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-316 Make EndPoint Registration more dynamic Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-145 Adjust model to meet UDD v3 requirements Closed Fixed Kurt T Stam
JUDDI-143 Add documentation on Dev and user Setup, and features Closed Fixed Kurt Stam
JUDDI-142 JPA retrievals result in sporadic ordering of collections Closed Fixed Kurt T Stam
JUDDI-135 Create a tomcat bundle Closed Fixed Thomas Cunningham
JUDDI-35 The bindingTemplate element does contain a categoryBag element but should not. Closed Fixed Stephen Viens
JUDDI-29 Non valid serviceInfo element, missing businessKey attribute Closed Fixed Stephen Viens
JUDDI-1016 Add DDL generators for all available hibernate supported dialetcs Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-1015 Oracle database start up issue due to max string length Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-1014 Binding Editor – tModel Instance Information Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-1013 GUI adding records Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-1012 MS SQL Server Sequence table change Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-1011 MS SQL Server table - length of field too large Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-1010 save_business does not properly save the accessPoint URLType when using the v2 Publish API Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-1009 Browse Businesses using juddiv2 page navigation issue Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-1008 find_business returns an error when querying a tModel when using the v2 Inquire API Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-1004 JUDDI-3.3.7 With SQL Server Database Gives Primary Key Violation For Table j3_category_bag Closed Fixed  
JUDDI-999 Issue with SQL Server Database with JUDDI 3.3.6 : The size (8192) given to the column 'instance_parms' exceeds the maximum allowed for any data type (8000) Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-996 Admin gui, get all client subscriptions throws a classcast error Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-994 Bash scripts containing windows CRLF line endings Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-992 FindBinding API call doesn't exactly match the spec, can't search for just the service key Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-991 JUDDI Uses EOL Version of Apache CXF Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-989 start script needs to remove DOS line endings Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-988 Update to tomcat 9 Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-987 CVE-2018-1307 XML Entity Expansion Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-986 Update hibernate dependencies Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-985 Replication change record delete fails with hibernate Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-984 Hibernate profile fails to deploy due to extraneous class in the orm xml file Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-983 Unable to compile under centos, openjdk8, api mismatch Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-982 Removing the juddi-client-plugins module Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-981 Force all tests to run in a random order Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-979 Add maven enforcer rules Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-978 Build instability with Replication tests Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-977 reduce findbugs warnings Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-976 Add jacoco test results to mvn site Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-975 mvn site is broken Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-974 Add findbugs to the site reporting tasks Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-973 Code clean up juddi-client-cli Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-971 Update embedded tomcat to a more recent version Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-966 sources jars are no longer installed while building juddi Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-965 DispositionReportFaultMessage is hiding exception messages Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-962 Convert back to mvn site Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-960 TCK tests not passing (windows 7, java 1.8) Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-959 Running mvn clean install -Pdist fails with java 1.8 (javadocs generation problem) Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-958 Running mvn clean install -Pdist fails (validation of apache licences by rat plugin fails) Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-956 Adding a tModel without category as Keyed Reference Groups to another tModel generates an exception. Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-955 Pom maintenance Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-953 juddi-core and juddi-core-openjpa do not use the same JPA version Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-952 Add unit test code coverage reports Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-951 EntityManagerFactory not closed when undeploying juddi Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-946 Incorrect annotation on JPA entity classes Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-943 WebHelper class: Client name not set in servletContext after getUDDIClient is called Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-939 NullPointerException when using service cache Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-935 AdminUI/Statistics page fails to render under JDK8 Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-934 jUDDI CLI client is not included in the distribution zips Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-933 File based authentication mechanisms do not auto insert to the database Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-928 Script to list service from client Closed Fixed  
JUDDI-904 intermittent test failures Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-890 when saving a config with node/properties defined, the output is concat'd Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-889 fix example juddi client config files (undefined xml prefix xsi) Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-888 add support for dynamically adding nodes to the client config file and saving the changes Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree
JUDDI-886 web based digital signature applet fails to run due to missing permissions attribute Closed Fixed Alex O'Ree