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Chapter 6. Using UDDI Annotations

JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 6. Using UDDI Annotations

Table of Contents

6.1. UDDI Service Annotation
6.2. UDDIServiceBinding Annotation
6.2.1. Java Web Service Example
6.2.2. Wiring it all together
6.3. .NET Web Service Example
6.3.1. Wiring it all together
6.4. CategoryBag Attribute
6.5. Considerations for clustered or load balanced web servers and automated registration

Conventionally Services (BusinessService) and their EndPoints (BindingTemplates) are registered to a UDDI Registry using a GUI, where an admin user manually adds the necessary info. This process tends to make the data in the Registry rather static and the data can grow stale over time. To make the data in the UDDI more dynamic it makes sense to register and EndPoint (BindingTemplate) when it comes online, which is when it gets deployed. The UDDI annotations are designed to just that: register a Service when it get deployed to an Application Server. There are two annotations: UDDIService, and UDDIServiceBinding. You need to use both annotations to register an EndPoint. Upon undeployment of the Service, the EndPoint will be de-registered from the UDDI. The Service information stays in the UDDI. It makes sense to leave the Service level information in the Registry since this reflects that the Service is there, however there is no EndPoint at the moment ("Check back later"). It is a manual process to remove the Service information. The annotations use the juddi-client library which means that they can be used to register to any UDDIv3 registry.

The UDDIService annotation is used to register a service under an already existing business in the Registry. The annotation should be added at the class level of the java class.

The UDDIServiceBinding annotation is used to register a BindingTemplate to the UDDI registry. This annotation cannot be used by itself. It needs to go along side a UDDIService annotation.

The annotations can be used on any class that defines a service. Here they are added to a WebService, a POJO with a JAX-WS WebService annotation.

package org.apache.juddi.samples;

import javax.jws.WebService;
import org.apache.juddi.v3.annotations.UDDIService;
import org.apache.juddi.v3.annotations.UDDIServiceBinding;

  description = "Hello World test service")
  description="WSDL endpoint for the helloWorld Service. This service is used for "
				  + "testing the jUDDI annotation functionality",
  endpointInterface = "org.apache.juddi.samples.HelloWorld",
  serviceName = "HelloWorld")

public class HelloWorldImpl implements HelloWorld {
    public String sayHi(String text) {
        System.out.println("sayHi called");
        return "Hello " + text;

On deployment of this WebService, the juddi-client code will scan this class for UDDI annotations and take care of the registration process. The configuration file uddi.xml of the juddi-client is described in the chapter, Using the jUDDI-Client. In the clerk section you need to reference the Service class org.apache.juddi.samples.HelloWorldImpl:

<clerk name="BobCratchit" node="default" publisher="sales" password="sales">

which means that Bob is using the node connection setting of the node with name "default", and that he will be using the "sales" publisher, for which the password it "sales". There is some analogy here as to how datasources are defined.

In .NET, the procedure is almost identical to Java. Annotate your web service classes, append the classnames to your uddi.xml client config file. .NET annotations work with any WCF, ASP.NET or any other class.

The CategoryBag attribute allows you to reference tModels. For example the following categoryBag

    <keyedReference tModelKey=""
     keyName="uddi-org:types:wsdl" keyValue="wsdlDeployment" />
    <keyedReference tModelKey=""
     keyName="uddi-org:types:wsdl2" keyValue="wsdlDeployment2" />

can be put in like

categoryBag="keyedReference=keyName=uddi-org:types:wsdl;keyValue=wsdlDeployment;" +
            "," +
                     "keyedReference=keyName=uddi-org:types:wsdl2;keyValue=wsdlDeployment2;" +

Most production environments have primary and failover web servers and/or an intelligent load balancer that routers traffic to whichever server is online. When using automated registration with the jUDDI client, care must be taken when enabling automated registration.