This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
UddiAdminHub xref
View Javadoc
1   package org.apache.juddi.adminconsole.hub;
3   /*
4    * Copyright 2001-2013 The Apache Software Foundation.
5    * 
6    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    * 
10   *
11   * 
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16   * limitations under the License.
17   *
18   */
19  import;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import java.math.BigInteger;
23  import;
24  import java.rmi.RemoteException;
25  import java.util.ArrayList;
26  import java.util.List;
27  import java.util.Map;
28  import java.util.Properties;
29  import java.util.logging.Level;
30  import java.util.logging.Logger;
31  import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
32  import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction;
33  import javax.persistence.Query;
34  import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
35  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
36  import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
37  import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
38  import javax.xml.bind.JAXB;
39  import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException;
40  import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
41  import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
42  import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
43  import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
44  import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
45  import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
46  import;
47  import;
48  import;
49  import;
50  import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration;
51  import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
52  import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
53  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
54  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
55  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.Clerk;
56  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.ClientSubscriptionInfoDetail;
57  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.DeleteClientSubscriptionInfo;
58  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.DeletePublisher;
59  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.GetAllPublisherDetail;
60  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.GetPublisherDetail;
61  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.Node;
62  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.Publisher;
63  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.PublisherDetail;
64  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.SaveClerk;
65  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.SaveClientSubscriptionInfo;
66  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.SaveNode;
67  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.SavePublisher;
68  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.SyncSubscription;
69  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.SyncSubscriptionDetail;
70  import org.apache.juddi.v3.client.UDDIConstants;
71  import org.apache.juddi.v3.client.config.ClientConfig;
72  import org.apache.juddi.v3.client.config.UDDIClient;
73  import org.apache.juddi.v3.client.config.UDDINode;
74  import org.apache.juddi.v3.client.transport.Transport;
75  import org.apache.juddi.v3_service.JUDDIApiPortType;
76  import org.apache.juddi.adminconsole.AES;
77  import org.apache.juddi.adminconsole.resources.ResourceLoader;
78  import org.apache.juddi.api.impl.JUDDIApiImpl;
79  import org.apache.juddi.api.impl.UDDIInquiryImpl;
80  import org.apache.juddi.api.impl.UDDIPublicationImpl;
81  import org.apache.juddi.api.impl.UDDIReplicationImpl;
82  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.AdminSaveBusiness;
83  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.AdminSaveSubscriptionRequest;
84  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.AdminSaveSubscriptionResponse;
85  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.AdminSaveTModel;
86  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.ClerkList;
87  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.ClientSubscriptionInfo;
88  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.DeleteClerk;
89  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.DeleteNode;
90  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.GetEntityHistoryMessageRequest;
91  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.GetEntityHistoryMessageResponse;
92  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.GetFailedReplicationChangeRecordsMessageRequest;
93  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.GetFailedReplicationChangeRecordsMessageResponse;
94  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.NodeList;
95  import org.apache.juddi.api_v3.SubscriptionWrapper;
96  import org.apache.juddi.config.AppConfig;
97  import org.apache.juddi.config.PersistenceManager;
98  import org.apache.juddi.config.Property;
99  import org.apache.juddi.model.BindingTemplate;
100 import org.apache.juddi.subscription.notify.SMTPNotifier;
101 import org.apache.juddi.v3.client.cryptor.XmlUtils;
102 import org.uddi.api_v3.AuthToken;
103 import org.uddi.api_v3.BusinessDetail;
104 import org.uddi.api_v3.BusinessEntity;
105 import org.uddi.api_v3.BusinessService;
106 import org.uddi.api_v3.DeleteBusiness;
107 import org.uddi.api_v3.DeleteTModel;
108 import org.uddi.api_v3.DiscardAuthToken;
109 import org.uddi.api_v3.DispositionReport;
110 import org.uddi.api_v3.FindBusiness;
111 import org.uddi.api_v3.FindQualifiers;
112 import org.uddi.api_v3.GetAuthToken;
113 import org.uddi.api_v3.GetBusinessDetail;
114 import org.uddi.api_v3.Name;
115 import org.uddi.api_v3.SaveBusiness;
116 import org.uddi.repl_v3.ChangeRecordIDType;
117 import org.uddi.repl_v3.ChangeRecords;
118 import org.uddi.repl_v3.GetChangeRecords;
119 import org.uddi.repl_v3.HighWaterMarkVectorType;
120 import org.uddi.repl_v3.ReplicationConfiguration;
121 import org.uddi.sub_v3.Subscription;
122 import org.uddi.sub_v3.SubscriptionResultsList;
123 import org.uddi.subr_v3.NotifySubscriptionListener;
125 import org.uddi.v3_service.DispositionReportFaultMessage;
126 import org.uddi.v3_service.UDDISecurityPortType;
127 import org.w3c.dom.Document;
128 import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
130 /**
131  * UddiHub - The hub acts as a single point for managing browser to uddi
132  * services. At most 1 instance is allowed per http session. In general, all
133  * methods in the class trigger web service call outs. All callouts also support
134  * expired UDDI tokens and will attempt to reauthenticate and retry the request.
135  *
136  * @author <a href="">Alex O'Ree</a>
137  */
138 public class UddiAdminHub {
140         /**
141          * The logger name
142          */
143         public static final String LOGGER_NAME = "org.apache.juddi";
144         transient AuthStyle style = null;
145         Properties properties = null;
146         /**
147          * The Log4j logger. This is also referenced from the Builders class,
148          * thus it is public
149          */
150         public static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LOGGER_NAME);
152         private UddiAdminHub() throws DatatypeConfigurationException {
153                 //    df = DatatypeFactory.newInstance();
154         }
156         /**
157          * removes the Hub from the current http session
158          *
159          * @param _session
160          */
161         public static void reset(HttpSession _session) {
162                 _session.removeAttribute("hub");
163                 // token = null;
164         }
166         /**
167          * This kills any authentication tokens, logs the user out and nulls out
168          * all services
169          */
170         public void die() {
171                 if (token != null && security != null) {
172                         DiscardAuthToken da = new DiscardAuthToken();
173                         da.setAuthInfo(token);
174                         try {
175                                 security.discardAuthToken(da);
176                         } catch (Exception ex) {
177                                 HandleException(ex);
178                         }
179                 }
180                 token = null;
181                 security = null;
182                 juddi = null;
183         }
184         /**
185          * the name of the 'node' property in the config
186          */
187         public static final String PROP_CONFIG_NODE = "config.props.node";
188         /**
189          *
190          */
191         public static final String PROP_AUTH_TYPE = "config.props.authtype";
192         /**
193          *
194          */
195         public static final String PROP_AUTO_LOGOUT = "config.props.automaticLogouts.enable";
196         /**
197          *
198          */
199         public static final String PROP_AUTO_LOGOUT_TIMER = "config.props.automaticLogouts.duration";
200         /**
201          *
202          */
203         public static final String PROP_PREFIX = "config.props.";
204         /**
205          *
206          *
207          */
208         public static final String PROP_ADMIN_LOCALHOST_ONLY = "config.props.configLocalHostOnly";
210         private transient UDDISecurityPortType security = null;
211         private transient JUDDIApiPortType juddi = null;
212         private transient String token = null;
213         private transient HttpSession session;
214         private transient Transport transport = null;
215         private transient ClientConfig clientConfig;
216         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
217         private String nodename = "default";
218         private final String clientName = "juddigui";
219         private boolean WS_Transport = false;
220         private boolean WS_securePorts = false;
222         /**
223          * This is the singleton accessor UddiHub. There should be at most 1
224          * instance per HTTP Session (user login)
225          *
226          * @param application
227          * @param _session
228          * @return instance
229          * @throws Exception
230          */
231         public static UddiAdminHub getInstance(ServletContext application, HttpSession _session) throws Exception {
232                 Object j = _session.getAttribute("hub");
233                 if (j == null) {
234                         UddiAdminHub hub = new UddiAdminHub(application, _session);
235                         _session.setAttribute("hub", hub);
236                         return hub;
237                 }
239                 return (UddiAdminHub) j;
240         }
241         String locale = "en";
243         private UddiAdminHub(ServletContext application, HttpSession _session) throws Exception {
244                 URL prop = application.getResource("/WEB-INF/");
245                 if (prop == null) {
246                         application.getResource("WEB-INF/");
247                 }
248                 if (prop == null) {
249                         throw new Exception("Cannot locate the configuration file.");
250                 }
251                 session = _session;
253                 InputStream in = prop.openStream();
254                 Properties p = new Properties();
255                 p.load(in);
256                 in.close();
257                 session = _session;
258                 properties = p;
259                 EnsureConfig();
260         }
262         private void EnsureConfig() {
263                 if (clientConfig == null) {
264                         try {
265                                 UDDIClient client = new UDDIClient();
267                                 clientConfig = client.getClientConfig();
268                                 try {
269                                         style = AuthStyle.valueOf(clientConfig.getConfiguration().getString(PROP_AUTH_TYPE));
270                                 } catch (Exception ex) {
271                                         log.warn("'UDDI_AUTH' is not defined in the config (" + PROP_AUTH_TYPE + ")! defaulting to UDDI_AUTH");
272                                         style = AuthStyle.UDDI_AUTH;
273                                 }
275                                 nodename = clientConfig.getConfiguration().getString(PROP_CONFIG_NODE);
276                                 if (nodename == null || nodename.equals("")) {
277                                         log.warn("'node' is not defined in the config! defaulting to 'default'");
278                                         nodename = "default";
279                                 }
280                                 UDDINode uddiNode = clientConfig.getUDDINode(nodename);
282                                 String clazz = uddiNode.getProxyTransport();
283                                 if (clazz.contains("JAXWSTransport")) {
284                                         WS_Transport = true;
285                                 }
287                                 transport = client.getTransport(nodename);
288                                 security = transport.getUDDISecurityService();
289                                 juddi = transport.getJUDDIApiService();
290                                 if (WS_Transport) {
291                                         if (uddiNode.getJuddiApiUrl().toLowerCase().startsWith("https://")
292                                                 && (uddiNode.getSecurityUrl() != null && uddiNode.getSecurityUrl().toLowerCase().startsWith("https://"))) {
293                                                 WS_securePorts = true;
294                                         }
295                                 }
297                         } catch (Exception ex) {
298                                 HandleException(ex);
299                         }
300                 }
302         }
304         /**
305          * This function provides a basic error handling rutine that will pull
306          * out the true error message in a UDDI fault message, returning
307          * bootstrap stylized html error message
308          *
309          * @param ex
310          * @return
311          */
312         private String HandleException(Exception ex) {
313                 if (ex instanceof DispositionReportFaultMessage) {
314                         DispositionReportFaultMessage f = (DispositionReportFaultMessage) ex;
315                         log.error(ex.getMessage() + (f.detail != null && f.detail.getMessage() != null ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(f.detail.getMessage()) : ""));
316                         log.debug(ex.getMessage(), ex);
317                         return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.generic") + " " + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ex.getMessage()) + " " + (f.detail != null && f.detail.getMessage() != null ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(f.detail.getMessage()) : "");
318                 } else if (ex instanceof RemoteException) {
319                         RemoteException f = (RemoteException) ex;
320                         log.error("RemoteException " + ex.getMessage());
321                         log.debug("RemoteException " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
322                         return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.generic") + " " + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ex.getMessage()) + " " + (f.detail != null && f.detail.getMessage() != null ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(f.detail.getMessage()) : "");
323                 } else if (ex instanceof NullPointerException) {
324                         log.error("NPE! Please report! " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
325                         log.debug("NPE! Please report! " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
326                         return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.generic") + " " + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ex.getMessage());
327                 } else {
328                         log.error("Unexpected error " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
329                         //log.debug(ex.getMessage(), ex);
330                         return ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "errors.generic") + " " + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ex.getMessage());
331                 }
332         }
334         /**
335          * returns true if we are using JAXWS transport AND all of the URLs
336          * start with https://
337          *
338          * @return true/false
339          */
340         public boolean isSecure() {
342                 EnsureConfig();
343                 return WS_securePorts;
344         }
346         /**
347          * gets a reference to the current juddi client config file. this is a
348          * live instance changes can be stored to disk, usually
349          *
350          * @return client config
351          * @throws ConfigurationException g
352          */
353         public ClientConfig GetJuddiClientConfig() throws ConfigurationException {
354                 EnsureConfig();
355                 return clientConfig;
356         }
358         /**
359          * Handles all API calls to the juddi web service
360          *
361          * @param parameters
362          * @return html formatted status message
363          */
364         public String go(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
365                 try {
366                         String action = parameters.getParameter("soapaction");
367                         if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("adminDelete_tmodel")) {
368                                 return adminDelete_tmodel(parameters);
369                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("delete_ClientSubscriptionInfo")) {
370                                 return delete_ClientSubscriptionInfo(parameters);
371                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("delete_publisher")) {
372                                 return delete_publisher(parameters);
373                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("getAllPublisherDetail")) {
374                                 return getAllPublisherDetail(parameters);
375                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("get_publisherDetail")) {
376                                 return get_publisherDetail(parameters);
377                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("invoke_SyncSubscription")) {
378                                 return invoke_SyncSubscription(parameters);
379                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("save_Clerk")) {
380                                 return save_Clerk(parameters);
381                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("save_ClientSubscriptionInfo")) {
382                                 return save_ClientSubscriptionInfo(parameters);
383                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("save_Node")) {
384                                 return save_Node(parameters);
385                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("save_publisher")) {
386                                 return save_publisher(parameters);
387                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("send_EmailTest")) {
388                                 return sendTestEmail(parameters);
389                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("get_AllNodes")) {
390                                 return getAllNodes(parameters);
391                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("get_AllClerks")) {
392                                 return getAllClerks(parameters);
393                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("delete_Node")) {
394                                 return deleteNode(parameters);
395                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("delete_Clerk")) {
396                                 return deleteClerk(parameters);
397                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("admin_DeleteSubscription")) {
398                                 return deleteSubscription(parameters);
399                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("admin_SaveBusiness")) {
400                                 return adminSaveBusiness(parameters);
401                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("admin_SaveTModel")) {
402                                 return adminSaveTmodel(parameters);
403                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("get_AllClientSubscriptionInfo")) {
404                                 return getAllClientSubscriptionInfo(parameters);
405                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("set_ReplicationNodes")) {
406                                 return setReplicationConfig(parameters);
407                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("get_ReplicationNodes")) {
408                                 return getReplicationNodes(parameters);
409                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("admin_SaveSubscription")) {
410                                 return adminSaveSubscription(parameters);
411                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("get_EntityHistory")) {
412                                 return getEntityHistory(parameters);
413                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("change_NodeID")) {
414                                 return change_NodeID(parameters);
415                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("changeRecord")) {
416                                 return getChangeRecord(parameters);
417                         } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("getFailedReplicationChangeRecords")) {
418                                 return getFailedReplicationChangeRecords(parameters);
419                         }
421                 } catch (Exception ex) {
422                         return "Error!" + HandleException(ex);
423                 }
424                 return "not yet implemented!";
425         }
427         private String save_Clerk(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
428                 SaveClerk sc = new SaveClerk();
429                 sc.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
430                 Clerk c = new Clerk();
431                 c.setName(parameters.getParameter("CLERKsetName"));
432                 Node node = new Node();
433                 node.setClientName(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetClientName"));
434                 node.setCustodyTransferUrl(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetCustodyTransferUrl"));
435                 node.setDescription(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetDescription"));
436                 node.setFactoryInitial(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetFactoryInitial"));
437                 node.setFactoryNamingProvider(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetFactoryNamingProvider"));
438                 node.setFactoryURLPkgs(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetFactoryURLPkgs"));
439                 node.setInquiryUrl(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetInquiryUrl"));
440                 node.setJuddiApiUrl(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetJuddiApiUrl"));
441                 node.setName(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetName"));
442                 node.setProxyTransport(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetProxyTransport"));
443                 node.setPublishUrl(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetPublishUrl"));
444                 node.setReplicationUrl(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetReplicationUrl"));
445                 node.setSecurityUrl(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetSecurityUrl"));
446                 node.setSubscriptionListenerUrl(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetSubscriptionListenerUrl"));
447                 node.setSubscriptionUrl(parameters.getParameter("CLERKNODEsetSubscriptionUrl"));
448                 c.setNode(node);
449                 c.setPassword(parameters.getParameter("CLERKsetPassword"));
450                 c.setPublisher(parameters.getParameter("CLERKsetPublisher"));
452                 sc.getClerk().add(c);
453                 try {
454                         juddi.saveClerk(sc);
455                 } catch (Exception ex) {
456                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
457                                 token = null;
458                                 sc.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
459                                 try {
460                                         juddi.saveClerk(sc);
461                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
462                                         return "Error!" + HandleException(ex1);
463                                 }
465                         } else {
466                                 return "Error!" + HandleException(ex);
467                         }
468                 }
469                 return "Success";
470         }
472         private String save_Node(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
473                 SaveNode sn = new SaveNode();
474                 sn.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
475                 Node node = new Node();
476                 node.setClientName(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetClientName"));
477                 node.setCustodyTransferUrl(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetCustodyTransferUrl"));
478                 node.setDescription(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetDescription"));
479                 node.setFactoryInitial(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetFactoryInitial"));
480                 node.setFactoryNamingProvider(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetFactoryNamingProvider"));
481                 node.setFactoryURLPkgs(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetFactoryURLPkgs"));
482                 node.setInquiryUrl(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetInquiryUrl"));
483                 node.setJuddiApiUrl(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetJuddiApiUrl"));
484                 node.setName(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetName"));
485                 node.setProxyTransport(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetProxyTransport"));
486                 node.setPublishUrl(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetPublishUrl"));
487                 node.setReplicationUrl(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetReplicationUrl"));
488                 node.setSecurityUrl(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetSecurityUrl"));
489                 node.setSubscriptionListenerUrl(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetSubscriptionListenerUrl"));
490                 node.setSubscriptionUrl(parameters.getParameter("NODEsetSubscriptionUrl"));
491                 sn.getNode().add(node);
493                 try {
494                         juddi.saveNode(sn);
495                 } catch (Exception ex) {
496                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
497                                 token = null;
498                                 sn.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
499                                 try {
500                                         juddi.saveNode(sn);
501                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
502                                         return "Error!" + HandleException(ex1);
503                                 }
505                         } else {
506                                 return "Error!" + HandleException(ex);
507                         }
508                 }
509                 return "Success";
510         }
512         private String sendTestEmail(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
513                 try {
515                         String to = parameters.getParameter("send_EmailTestEMAIL");
516                         if (!to.startsWith("mailto:")) {
517                                 to = "mailto:" + to;
518                         }
519                         BindingTemplate modellbt = new BindingTemplate("test", null, "endpoint", to, null, null, null, null, null);
520                         org.apache.juddi.subscription.notify.SMTPNotifier smtp = new SMTPNotifier(modellbt);
521                         NotifySubscriptionListener body = new NotifySubscriptionListener();
523                         body.setSubscriptionResultsList(new SubscriptionResultsList());
524                         body.getSubscriptionResultsList().setSubscription(new Subscription());
525                         body.getSubscriptionResultsList().getSubscription().setSubscriptionKey("TEST");
526                         smtp.notifySubscriptionListener(body);
527                         return "Success";
528                 } catch (Exception ex) {
529                         return "Failure!" + HandleException(ex);
530                 }
531         }
533         private String getAllNodes(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
534                 NodeList allNodes = null;
535                 try {
537                         allNodes = juddi.getAllNodes(GetToken());
538                 } catch (Exception ex) {
540                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
541                                 token = null;
542                                 try {
543                                         allNodes = juddi.getAllNodes(GetToken());
544                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
545                                         return HandleException(ex1);
546                                 }
547                         } else {
548                                 return HandleException(ex);
549                         }
550                 }
551                 try {
552                         return PrettyPrintJaxbObject(allNodes);
553                 } catch (Exception ex) {
554                         return HandleException(ex);
555                 }
557         }
559         private String getAllClerks(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
560                 ClerkList allNodes = null;
561                 try {
563                         allNodes = juddi.getAllClerks(GetToken());
564                 } catch (Exception ex) {
566                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
567                                 token = null;
568                                 try {
569                                         allNodes = juddi.getAllClerks(GetToken());
570                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
571                                         return HandleException(ex1);
572                                 }
573                         } else {
574                                 return HandleException(ex);
575                         }
576                 }
577                  try {
578                         return PrettyPrintJaxbObject(allNodes);
579                 } catch (Exception ex) {
580                         return HandleException(ex);
581                 }
582         }
584         private String getAllClientSubscriptionInfo(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
585                 List<SubscriptionWrapper> allClientSubscriptionInfo = null;
586                 try {
588                         allClientSubscriptionInfo = juddi.getAllClientSubscriptionInfo(GetToken());
589                 } catch (Exception ex) {
591                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
592                                 token = null;
593                                 try {
594                                         allClientSubscriptionInfo = juddi.getAllClientSubscriptionInfo(GetToken());
595                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
596                                         return HandleException(ex1);
597                                 }
598                         } else {
599                                 return HandleException(ex);
600                         }
601                 }
602                  try {
603                         return PrettyPrintJaxbObject(allClientSubscriptionInfo);
604                 } catch (Exception ex) {
605                         return HandleException(ex);
606                 }
607         }
609         private String getReplicationNodes(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
610                 ReplicationConfiguration cfg = null;
611                 try {
613                         cfg = juddi.getReplicationNodes(GetToken());
614                 } catch (Exception ex) {
616                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
617                                 token = null;
618                                 try {
619                                         cfg = juddi.getReplicationNodes(GetToken());
620                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
621                                         return HandleException(ex1);
622                                 }
623                         } else {
624                                 return HandleException(ex);
625                         }
626                 }
627                  try {
628                         return PrettyPrintJaxbObject(cfg);
629                 } catch (Exception ex) {
630                         return HandleException(ex);
631                 }
632         }
634         private String deleteNode(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
635                 DeleteNode cfg = new DeleteNode();
636                 cfg.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
637                 cfg.setNodeID(parameters.getParameter("delete_NodeName"));
638                 try {
640                         juddi.deleteNode(cfg);
641                 } catch (Exception ex) {
643                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
644                                 token = null;
645                                 try {
646                                         cfg.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
647                                         juddi.deleteNode(cfg);
648                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
649                                         return HandleException(ex1);
650                                 }
651                         } else {
652                                 return HandleException(ex);
653                         }
654                 }
656                 return "Success";
657         }
659         private String deleteSubscription(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
660                 List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
661                 keys.add(parameters.getParameter("admin_DeleteSubscriptionKey"));
662                 try {
664                         juddi.adminDeleteSubscription(GetToken(), keys);
665                 } catch (Exception ex) {
667                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
668                                 token = null;
669                                 try {
670                                         juddi.adminDeleteSubscription(GetToken(), keys);
671                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
672                                         return HandleException(ex1);
673                                 }
674                         } else {
675                                 return HandleException(ex);
676                         }
677                 }
679                 return "Success";
680         }
682         private String deleteClerk(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
683                 DeleteClerk cfg = new DeleteClerk();
684                 cfg.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
685                 cfg.setClerkID(parameters.getParameter("delete_ClerkName"));
686                 try {
688                         juddi.deleteClerk(cfg);
689                 } catch (Exception ex) {
691                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
692                                 token = null;
693                                 try {
694                                         cfg.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
695                                         juddi.deleteClerk(cfg);
696                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
697                                         return HandleException(ex1);
698                                 }
699                         } else {
700                                 return HandleException(ex);
701                         }
702                 }
704                 return "Success";
705         }
707         private String setReplicationConfig(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
708                 ReplicationConfiguration cfg = (ReplicationConfiguration) JUDDIRequestsAsXML.getObjectJuddi("set_ReplicationNodes", parameters.getParameter("set_ReplicationNodesXML"));
709                 DispositionReport setReplicationNodes = null;
710                 try {
712                         setReplicationNodes = juddi.setReplicationNodes(GetToken(), cfg);
713                 } catch (Exception ex) {
715                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
716                                 token = null;
717                                 try {
718                                         setReplicationNodes = juddi.setReplicationNodes(GetToken(), cfg);
719                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
720                                         return HandleException(ex1);
721                                 }
722                         } else {
723                                 return HandleException(ex);
724                         }
725                 }
726                  try {
727                         return PrettyPrintJaxbObject(setReplicationNodes);
728                 } catch (Exception ex) {
729                         return HandleException(ex);
730                 }
731         }
733         private String adminSaveBusiness(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
734                 //admin_SaveBusiness
735                 AdminSaveBusiness cfg = (AdminSaveBusiness) JUDDIRequestsAsXML.getObjectJuddi("admin_SaveBusiness", parameters.getParameter("admin_SaveBusinessXML"));
736                 DispositionReport setReplicationNodes = null;
737                 try {
739                         setReplicationNodes = juddi.adminSaveBusiness(GetToken(), cfg.getValues());
740                 } catch (Exception ex) {
742                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
743                                 token = null;
744                                 try {
745                                         setReplicationNodes = juddi.adminSaveBusiness(GetToken(), cfg.getValues());
746                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
747                                         return HandleException(ex1);
748                                 }
749                         } else {
750                                 return HandleException(ex);
751                         }
752                 }
753                  try {
754                         return PrettyPrintJaxbObject(setReplicationNodes);
755                 } catch (Exception ex) {
756                         return HandleException(ex);
757                 }
758         }
760         private String adminSaveTmodel(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
761                 //admin_SaveTModel
762                 AdminSaveTModel cfg = (AdminSaveTModel) JUDDIRequestsAsXML.getObjectJuddi("admin_SaveTModel", parameters.getParameter("admin_SaveTModelXML"));
763                 //JAXB.marshal(cfg, System.out);
764                 DispositionReport setReplicationNodes = null;
765                 try {
767                         setReplicationNodes = juddi.adminSaveTModel(GetToken(), cfg.getValues());
768                 } catch (Exception ex) {
770                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
771                                 token = null;
772                                 try {
773                                         setReplicationNodes = juddi.adminSaveTModel(GetToken(), cfg.getValues());
774                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
775                                         return HandleException(ex1);
776                                 }
777                         } else {
778                                 return HandleException(ex);
779                         }
780                 }
781                  try {
782                         return PrettyPrintJaxbObject(setReplicationNodes);
783                 } catch (Exception ex) {
784                         return HandleException(ex);
785                 }
786         }
788         private String adminSaveSubscription(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
789                 //
790                 AdminSaveSubscriptionRequest cfg = (AdminSaveSubscriptionRequest) JUDDIRequestsAsXML.getObjectJuddi("admin_SaveSubscription", parameters.getParameter("admin_SaveSubscriptionXML"));
792                 Holder<List<Subscription>> holder = new Holder<List<Subscription>>(cfg.getSubscriptions());
793                 try {
795                         juddi.adminSaveSubscription(GetToken(), cfg.getPublisherOrUsername(), holder);
796                 } catch (Exception ex) {
798                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
799                                 token = null;
800                                 try {
801                                         juddi.adminSaveSubscription(GetToken(), cfg.getPublisherOrUsername(), holder);
802                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
803                                         return HandleException(ex1);
804                                 }
805                         } else {
806                                 return HandleException(ex);
807                         }
808                 }
809                 AdminSaveSubscriptionResponse res = new AdminSaveSubscriptionResponse();
810                 res.getSubscriptions().addAll(holder.value);
811                  try {
812                         return PrettyPrintJaxbObject(res);
813                 } catch (Exception ex) {
814                         return HandleException(ex);
815                 }
816         }
818         private String getEntityHistory(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
819                 GetEntityHistoryMessageRequest sn = new GetEntityHistoryMessageRequest();
820                 sn.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
821                 sn.setEntityKey(parameters.getParameter("get_EntityHistoryKey"));
822                 GetEntityHistoryMessageResponse entityHistory = null;
823                 try {
824                         sn.setMaxRecords(Long.parseLong(parameters.getParameter("get_EntityHistoryMaxCount")));
825                         sn.setOffset(Long.parseLong(parameters.getParameter("get_EntityHistoryOffset")));
826                         entityHistory = juddi.getEntityHistory(sn);
827                 } catch (Exception ex) {
828                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
829                                 token = null;
830                                 sn.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
831                                 try {
832                                         entityHistory = juddi.getEntityHistory(sn);
833                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
834                                         return "Error!" + HandleException(ex1);
835                                 }
837                         } else {
838                                 return "Error!" + HandleException(ex);
839                         }
840                 }
841                 if (entityHistory == null) {
842                         return "Something went wrong!";
843                 }
844                 try {
845                         return PrettyPrintJaxbObject(entityHistory);
846                 } catch (Exception ex) {
847                         return HandleException(ex);
848                 }
850         }
852         private String change_NodeID(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
853                 //check replication config
855                 EntityManager em = PersistenceManager.getEntityManager();
856                 EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
858                 try {
860                         ReplicationConfiguration replicationNodes = new JUDDIApiImpl().getReplicationNodes(GetToken());
861                         if (replicationNodes.getOperator().size() > 1) {
862                                 throw new Exception("Replication is configured with " + replicationNodes.getOperator() + " nodes. Node rename aborted");
863                         }
864                         Configuration configuration = AppConfig.getConfiguration();
865                         //this is going to break a few design rules.
866                         String currentnode = configuration.getString(Property.JUDDI_NODE_ID);
867                         String newnode = parameters.getParameter("change_NodeIDKey");
868                         if (newnode == null) {
869                                 throw new Exception("The new node id was not specified");
870                         }
871                         newnode = newnode.trim();
872                         newnode = newnode.toLowerCase();
873                         log.warn("AUDIT - Renaming Node ID from " + currentnode + " to " + newnode);
875                         UDDIPublicationImpl pub = new UDDIPublicationImpl();
876                         UDDIInquiryImpl inquire = new UDDIInquiryImpl();
878                         GetBusinessDetail gbd = new GetBusinessDetail();
879                         gbd.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
880                         gbd.getBusinessKey().add(newnode);
881                         BusinessDetail businessDetail = null;
882                         try {
883                                 businessDetail = inquire.getBusinessDetail(gbd);
884                         } catch (Exception ex) {
885                                 //business doesn't exist
886                         }
887                         if (businessDetail == null || businessDetail.getBusinessEntity().isEmpty()) {
888                                 //copy the existing Root Node and rekey it with the new key
889                                 //incase the destination key generator is valid, we'll abort.
890                                 gbd.getBusinessKey().clear();
891                                 gbd.getBusinessKey().add(AppConfig.getConfiguration().getString(Property.JUDDI_NODE_ROOT_BUSINESS));
892                                 businessDetail = inquire.getBusinessDetail(gbd);
893                                 BusinessEntity get = businessDetail.getBusinessEntity().get(0);
894                                 get.setBusinessKey(newnode);
895                                 get.getSignature().clear();
896                                 if (get.getBusinessServices() != null) {
897                                         for (BusinessService bs : get.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService()) {
898                                                 bs.setBusinessKey(newnode);
899                                                 bs.getSignature().clear();
900                                                 //we also need to rekey all of the services and bindings wait do we?
901                                                 //bs.setServiceKey(bs.getServiceKey());
902                                         }
903                                 }
904                                 SaveBusiness sb = new SaveBusiness();
905                                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
906                                 sb.getBusinessEntity().add(get);
907                                 //if there's something wrong with the new key, this will throw
908                                 BusinessDetail saveBusiness = pub.saveBusiness(sb);
909                                 newnode = saveBusiness.getBusinessEntity().get(0).getBusinessKey();
910                         }
912                         tx.begin();
913                         //rekey all entities with the new node id
914                         Query createQuery = em.createQuery("Update UddiEntity ue set ue.nodeId=:node where ue.nodeId=:oldnode");
915                         createQuery.setParameter("node", newnode);
916                         createQuery.setParameter("oldnode", currentnode);
917                         int records = createQuery.executeUpdate();
918                         //rekey all the existing change records with the new node id
919                         createQuery = em.createQuery("Update ChangeRecord ue set ue.nodeID=:node where ue.nodeID=:oldnode");
920                         createQuery.setParameter("node", newnode);
921                         createQuery.setParameter("oldnode", currentnode);
922                         records += createQuery.executeUpdate();
924                         //rekey is_replaced_by references? nah
925                         tx.commit();
926                         try {
927                                 DeleteBusiness db = new DeleteBusiness();
928                                 db.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
929                                 db.getBusinessKey().add(currentnode);
930                                 pub.deleteBusiness(db);
931                         } catch (Exception ex) {
932                                 log.warn("Node id change error: ", ex);
933                         }
935                         //finally update the xml config and resave it
936                         AppConfig.setJuddiProperty(Property.JUDDI_NODE_ID, newnode);
937                         AppConfig.setJuddiProperty(Property.JUDDI_NODE_ROOT_BUSINESS, newnode);
939                         return "Sucess, Records update: " + records + " current node id is now " + AppConfig.getConfiguration().getString(Property.JUDDI_NODE_ID);
940                 } catch (Exception ex) {
941                         return HandleException(ex);
942                 } finally {
943                         if (tx.isActive()) {
944                                 tx.rollback();
945                         }
946                         em.close();
947                 }
948         }
950         private String getChangeRecord(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
951                 try {
952                         GetChangeRecords req = new GetChangeRecords();
954                         req.setRequestingNode(AppConfig.getConfiguration().getString(Property.JUDDI_NODE_ID));
956                         req.setResponseLimitCount(BigInteger.ONE);
957                         req.setChangesAlreadySeen(new HighWaterMarkVectorType());
958                         req.getChangesAlreadySeen().getHighWaterMark().add(
959                                 new ChangeRecordIDType(parameters.getParameter("nodeid"),
960                                         Long.parseLong(parameters.getParameter("recordid"))));
961                         ChangeRecords changeRecords = new UDDIReplicationImpl().getChangeRecords(req);
962                         return PrettyPrintJaxbObject(changeRecords);
964                 } catch (Exception ex) {
965                         return HandleException(ex);
966                 }
967         }
969         /**
970          * returns html/xml escaped, pretty printed pre formated xml string
971          *
972          * @param jaxb
973          * @return
974          * @throws Exception
975          */
976         private String PrettyPrintJaxbObject(Object jaxb) throws Exception {
977                 DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
978                 dbf.setFeature("", true);
979                 DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
980                 StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
981                 JAXB.marshal(jaxb, sw);
982                 InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(sw.toString()));
984                 TransformerFactory transFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
985                 transFactory.setAttribute(XMLConstants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD, "");
986                 transFactory.setAttribute(XMLConstants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_STYLESHEET, "");
987                 Transformer transformer = transFactory.newTransformer();
988                 transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
989                 //initialize StreamResult with File object to save to file
990                 StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new StringWriter());
991                 Document document = db.parse(is);
992                 DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document);
993                 transformer.transform(source, result);
994                 String xmlString = result.getWriter().toString();
996                 return "<pre>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(xmlString) + "</pre>";
997         }
999         private String getFailedReplicationChangeRecords(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
1000                 try {
1002                         GetFailedReplicationChangeRecordsMessageRequest req = new GetFailedReplicationChangeRecordsMessageRequest();
1003                         req.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1004                         req.setMaxRecords(Integer.parseInt(parameters.getParameter("getFailedReplicationChangeRecordsMaxCount")));
1005                         req.setOffset(0);
1006                         req.setOffset(Integer.parseInt(parameters.getParameter("getFailedReplicationChangeRecordsOffset")));
1007                         GetFailedReplicationChangeRecordsMessageResponse failedReplicationChangeRecords = null;
1008                         try {
1009                                 failedReplicationChangeRecords = juddi.getFailedReplicationChangeRecords(req);
1010                         } catch (Exception ex) {
1011                                 if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1012                                         token = null;
1013                                         req.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1014                                         try {
1015                                                 failedReplicationChangeRecords = juddi.getFailedReplicationChangeRecords(req);
1016                                         } catch (Exception ex1) {
1017                                                 return "Error!" + HandleException(ex1);
1018                                         }
1020                                 } else {
1021                                         return "Error!" + HandleException(ex);
1022                                 }
1023                         }
1025                         return PrettyPrintJaxbObject(failedReplicationChangeRecords);
1026                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1027                         return HandleException(ex);
1028                 }
1029         }
1031         public enum AuthStyle {
1033                 /**
1034                  * Http
1035                  */
1036                 HTTP,
1037                 /**
1038                  * UDDI Authentication via the Security API
1039                  */
1040                 UDDI_AUTH
1041         }
1043         private String GetToken() {
1044                 EnsureConfig();
1045                 if (style != AuthStyle.UDDI_AUTH) {
1046                         BindingProvider bp = null;
1047                         if (WS_Transport) {
1048                                 Map<String, Object> context = null;
1049                                 bp = (BindingProvider) juddi;
1050                                 context = bp.getRequestContext();
1051                                 context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username"));
1052                                 context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key"))));
1053                         }
1054                         return null;
1055                 } else {
1056                         if (token != null) {
1057                                 return token;
1058                         }
1059                         GetAuthToken req = new GetAuthToken();
1060                         if (session.getAttribute("username") != null
1061                                 && session.getAttribute("password") != null) {
1062                                 req.setUserID((String) session.getAttribute("username"));
1063                                 req.setCred(AES.Decrypt((String) session.getAttribute("password"), (String) properties.get("key")));
1064                                 try {
1065                                         AuthToken authToken = security.getAuthToken(req);
1066                                         token = authToken.getAuthInfo();
1067                                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1068                                         return HandleException(ex);
1069                                 }
1070                         }
1071                 }
1072                 return token;
1073         }
1075         private String delete_publisher(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
1076                 DeletePublisher sb = new DeletePublisher();
1077                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1078                 sb.getPublisherId().add(parameters.getParameter("delete_publisherKEY"));
1079                 try {
1080                         juddi.deletePublisher(sb);
1081                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1082                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1083                                 token = null;
1084                                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1085                                 try {
1086                                         juddi.deletePublisher(sb);
1087                                 } catch (Exception e) {
1088                                         return HandleException(e);
1089                                 }
1091                         } else {
1092                                 return HandleException(ex);
1093                         }
1094                 }
1095                 return "Success";
1096         }
1098         private String getAllPublisherDetail(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
1099                 StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
1100                 GetAllPublisherDetail sb = new GetAllPublisherDetail();
1101                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1102                 PublisherDetail d = null;
1103                 try {
1104                         d = juddi.getAllPublisherDetail(sb);
1105                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1106                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1107                                 token = null;
1108                                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1109                                 try {
1110                                         d = juddi.getAllPublisherDetail(sb);
1111                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
1112                                         return HandleException(ex1);
1113                                 }
1115                         } else {
1116                                 return HandleException(ex);
1117                         }
1118                 }
1119                 if (d != null) {
1120                         ret.append("<table class=\"table table-hover\"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Info</th></tr>");
1121                         for (int i = 0; i < d.getPublisher().size(); i++) {
1122                                 ret.append("<tr><td>").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(d.getPublisher().get(i).getPublisherName()))
1123                                         .append("</td><td>");
1124                                 ret.append(PrintPublisherDetail(d.getPublisher().get(i)))
1125                                         .append("</td></tr>");
1126                         }
1127                         ret.append("</table>");
1128                 } else {
1129                         ret.append("No data returned");
1130                 }
1131                 return ret.toString();
1132         }
1134         private String PrintPublisherDetail(Publisher p) {
1135                 StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
1137                 ret.append("Authorized Name = ").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(p.getAuthorizedName()))
1138                         .append("<br>")
1139                         .append("Publisher Name = ").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(p.getPublisherName()))
1140                         .append("<br>")
1141                         .append("Email = ")
1142                         .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(p.getEmailAddress()))
1143                         .append("<br>")
1144                         .append("Administrator = ")
1145                         .append((p.isIsAdmin()))
1146                         .append("<br>")
1147                         .append("Enabled = ")
1148                         .append((p.isIsEnabled()))
1149                         .append("<br>")
1150                         .append("Max Bindings per = ")
1151                         .append(p.getMaxBindingsPerService())
1152                         .append("<br>")
1153                         .append("Max Businesses = ")
1154                         .append(p.getMaxBusinesses())
1155                         .append("<br>")
1156                         .append("Max Services per = ")
1157                         .append(p.getMaxServicePerBusiness())
1158                         .append("<br>")
1159                         .append("Max tModels = ")
1160                         .append(p.getMaxTModels())
1161                         .append("");
1162                 return ret.toString();
1163         }
1165         private String get_publisherDetail(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
1166                 StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
1167                 GetPublisherDetail sb = new GetPublisherDetail();
1168                 sb.getPublisherId().add(parameters.getParameter("get_publisherDetailKEY"));
1169                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1170                 PublisherDetail d = null;
1171                 try {
1172                         d = juddi.getPublisherDetail(sb);
1173                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1174                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1175                                 token = null;
1176                                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1177                                 try {
1178                                         d = juddi.getPublisherDetail(sb);
1179                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
1180                                         return HandleException(ex1);
1181                                 }
1183                         } else {
1184                                 return HandleException(ex);
1185                         }
1186                 }
1187                 if (d != null) {
1188                         ret.append("<table class=\"table table-hover\"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Info</th></tr>");
1189                         for (int i = 0; i < d.getPublisher().size(); i++) {
1190                                 ret.append("<tr><td>").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(d.getPublisher().get(i).getPublisherName()))
1191                                         .append("</td><td>");
1192                                 ret.append(PrintPublisherDetail(d.getPublisher().get(i)))
1193                                         .append("</td></tr>");
1194                         }
1195                         ret.append("</table>");
1196                 } else {
1197                         ret.append("No data returned");
1198                 }
1199                 return ret.toString();
1200         }
1202         private String invoke_SyncSubscription(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
1203                 StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
1204                 SyncSubscription sb = new SyncSubscription();
1206                 SyncSubscriptionDetail d = null;
1207                 try {
1208                         StringReader sr = new StringReader(parameters.getParameter("invoke_SyncSubscriptionXML").trim());
1209                         sb = (SyncSubscription) (XmlUtils.unmarshal(sr, SyncSubscription.class));
1210                         sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1211                         d = juddi.invokeSyncSubscription(sb);
1212                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1213                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1214                                 token = null;
1215                                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1216                                 try {
1217                                         d = juddi.invokeSyncSubscription(sb);
1218                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
1219                                         return HandleException(ex1);
1220                                 }
1222                         } else {
1223                                 return HandleException(ex);
1224                         }
1225                 }
1226                 if (d != null) {
1227                         try {
1228                                 ret.append(PrettyPrintJaxbObject(d));
1229                         } catch (Exception ex) {
1230                                 return HandleException(ex);
1231                         }
1233                 } else {
1234                         ret.append("No data returned");
1235                 }
1236                 return ret.toString();
1237         }
1239         private static String PrettyPrintXML(String input) {
1240                 try {
1241                         TransformerFactory transFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
1242                         transFactory.setAttribute(XMLConstants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD, "");
1243                         transFactory.setAttribute(XMLConstants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_STYLESHEET, "");
1244                         Transformer transformer = transFactory.newTransformer();
1245                         transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
1246 //initialize StreamResult with File object to save to file
1247                         StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new StringWriter());
1248                         StreamSource source = new StreamSource(new StringReader(input));
1249                         transformer.transform(source, result);
1250                         String xmlString = result.getWriter().toString();
1251                         return (xmlString);
1252                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1253                 }
1254                 return null;
1255         }
1257         public  String getSampleSave_ClientSubscriptionInfo() {
1258                 SaveClientSubscriptionInfo x = new SaveClientSubscriptionInfo();
1259                 x.setAuthInfo("");
1260                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().add(new ClientSubscriptionInfo());
1261                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).setFromClerk(new Clerk());
1262                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).setToClerk(new Clerk());
1263                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).setSubscriptionKey("subscription key");
1264                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).setLastModified(null);
1265                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).setLastNotified(null);
1266                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().setName("ClerkName");
1267                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().setPublisher("username");
1268                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().setPassword("password");
1269                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().setNode(new Node());
1270                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().getNode().setClientName("clientname");
1271                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().getNode().setName("nodename");
1272                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().getNode().setDescription("description");
1273                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().getNode().setInquiryUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/inquiry");
1274                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().getNode().setPublishUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/publish");
1275                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().getNode().setCustodyTransferUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/custody-transfer");
1276                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().getNode().setSubscriptionUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/subscription");
1277                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().getNode().setSubscriptionListenerUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/subscription-listener");
1278                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().getNode().setJuddiApiUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/juddi-api");
1279                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getFromClerk().getNode().setReplicationUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/replication");
1281                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().setName("ClerkName");
1282                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().setPublisher("username");
1283                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().setPassword("password");
1284                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().setNode(new Node());
1285                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().getNode().setClientName("clientname");
1286                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().getNode().setName("nodename");
1287                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().getNode().setDescription("description");
1288                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().getNode().setInquiryUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/inquiry");
1289                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().getNode().setPublishUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/publish");
1290                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().getNode().setCustodyTransferUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/custody-transfer");
1291                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().getNode().setSubscriptionUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/subscription");
1292                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().getNode().setSubscriptionListenerUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/subscription-listener");
1293                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().getNode().setJuddiApiUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/juddi-api");
1294                 x.getClientSubscriptionInfo().get(0).getToClerk().getNode().setReplicationUrl("http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/replication");
1295                 StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
1296                 JAXB.marshal(x, sw);
1297                 return sw.toString();
1298         }
1300         private String save_ClientSubscriptionInfo(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
1301                 StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
1302                 SaveClientSubscriptionInfo sb = new SaveClientSubscriptionInfo();
1304                 if (parameters.getParameter("ClientSubscriptionInfoDetailXML") == null) {
1305                         return "No input!";
1306                 }
1307                 ClientSubscriptionInfoDetail d = null;
1308                 try {
1309                         StringReader sr = new StringReader(parameters.getParameter("ClientSubscriptionInfoDetailXML").trim());
1310                         sb = (JAXB.unmarshal(sr, SaveClientSubscriptionInfo.class));
1311                         sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1312                         d = juddi.saveClientSubscriptionInfo(sb);
1313                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1314                         if (ex instanceof DispositionReportFaultMessage) {
1315                                 DispositionReportFaultMessage f = (DispositionReportFaultMessage) ex;
1316                                 if (f.getFaultInfo().countainsErrorCode(DispositionReport.E_AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED)) {
1317                                         token = null;
1318                                         sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1319                                         try {
1320                                                 d = juddi.saveClientSubscriptionInfo(sb);
1321                                         } catch (Exception ex1) {
1322                                                 return HandleException(ex1);
1323                                         }
1324                                 }
1325                         } else {
1326                                 return HandleException(ex);
1327                         }
1328                 }
1329                 if (d != null) {
1330                         try {
1331                                 ret.append(PrettyPrintJaxbObject(d));
1332                         } catch (Exception ex) {
1333                                 return HandleException(ex);
1334                         }
1336                 } else {
1337                         ret.append("No data returned");
1338                 }
1339                 return ret.toString();
1340         }
1342         /**
1343          * return true if the word expire is in the exception or the UDDI error
1344          * code representing an expired token
1345          *
1346          * @param ex
1347          * @return r
1348          */
1349         public static boolean isExceptionExpiration(Exception ex) {
1350                 if (ex == null) {
1351                         return false;
1352                 }
1353                 if (ex instanceof DispositionReportFaultMessage) {
1354                         DispositionReportFaultMessage f = (DispositionReportFaultMessage) ex;
1355                         if (f.getFaultInfo().countainsErrorCode(DispositionReport.E_AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED) || ex.getMessage().contains(DispositionReport.E_AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED) || ex.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("expired")) {
1356                                 return true;
1357                         }
1358                 }
1360                 if (ex.getMessage() == null) {
1361                         return false;
1362                 }
1363                 if (ex.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("expire")) {
1364                         return true;
1365                 }
1367                 if (ex.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains(DispositionReport.E_AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED.toLowerCase())) {
1368                         return true;
1369                 }
1370                 if (ex.getLocalizedMessage() == null) {
1371                         return false;
1372                 }
1373                 if (ex.getLocalizedMessage().toLowerCase().contains("expire")) {
1374                         return true;
1375                 }
1376                 return false;
1377         }
1379         private String save_publisher(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
1381                 SavePublisher sb = new SavePublisher();
1382                 Publisher p = new Publisher();
1383                 p.setAuthorizedName(parameters.getParameter("savePublisherAuthorizedName"));
1384                 p.setPublisherName(parameters.getParameter("savePublisherNAME"));
1385                 p.setEmailAddress(parameters.getParameter("savePublisherEMAIL"));
1386                 try {
1387                         p.setIsAdmin(Boolean.parseBoolean(parameters.getParameter("savePublisherIsAdmin")));
1388                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1389                 }
1390                 try {
1391                         p.setIsEnabled(Boolean.parseBoolean(parameters.getParameter("savePublisherIsEnabled")));
1392                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1393                 }
1395                 PublisherDetail d = null;
1396                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1397                 try {
1398                         if (parameters.getParameter("savePublisherMaxBindings") != null) {
1399                                 p.setMaxBindingsPerService(Integer.parseInt(parameters.getParameter("savePublisherMaxBindings")));
1400                         }
1401                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1402                 }
1403                 try {
1404                         if (parameters.getParameter("savePublisherMaxServices") != null) {
1405                                 p.setMaxServicePerBusiness(Integer.parseInt(parameters.getParameter("savePublisherMaxServices")));
1406                         }
1407                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1408                 }
1409                 try {
1410                         if (parameters.getParameter("savePublisherMaxBusiness") != null) {
1411                                 p.setMaxBusinesses(Integer.parseInt(parameters.getParameter("savePublisherMaxBusiness")));
1412                         }
1413                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1414                 }
1415                 try {
1416                         if (parameters.getParameter("savePublisherMaxTModels") != null) {
1417                                 p.setMaxTModels(Integer.parseInt(parameters.getParameter("savePublisherMaxTModels")));
1418                         }
1419                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1420                 }
1421                 sb.getPublisher().add(p);
1422                 try {
1424                         d = juddi.savePublisher(sb);
1425                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1427                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1428                                 token = null;
1429                                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1430                                 try {
1431                                         d = juddi.savePublisher(sb);
1432                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
1433                                         return HandleException(ex1);
1434                                 }
1435                         } else {
1436                                 return HandleException(ex);
1437                         }
1438                 }
1439                 return "Success";
1440         }
1442         private String adminDelete_tmodel(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
1443                 DeleteTModel sb = new DeleteTModel();
1444                 sb.getTModelKey().add(parameters.getParameter("adminDelete_tmodelKEY"));
1445                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1446                 try {
1447                         juddi.adminDeleteTModel(sb);
1448                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1449                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1450                                 token = null;
1451                                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1452                                 try {
1453                                         juddi.adminDeleteTModel(sb);
1454                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
1455                                         return HandleException(ex1);
1456                                 }
1457                         } else {
1458                                 return HandleException(ex);
1459                         }
1460                 }
1461                 return "Success";
1462         }
1464         private String delete_ClientSubscriptionInfo(HttpServletRequest parameters) {
1465                 DeleteClientSubscriptionInfo sb = new DeleteClientSubscriptionInfo();
1466                 sb.getSubscriptionKey().add(parameters.getParameter("delete_ClientSubscriptionInfoKEY"));
1467                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1468                 try {
1469                         juddi.deleteClientSubscriptionInfo(sb);
1470                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1471                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1472                                 token = null;
1473                                 sb.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1474                                 try {
1475                                         juddi.deleteClientSubscriptionInfo(sb);
1476                                 } catch (Exception ex1) {
1477                                         return HandleException(ex1);
1478                                 }
1480                         } else {
1481                                 return HandleException(ex);
1482                         }
1483                 }
1484                 return "Success";
1485         }
1487         /**
1488          * If false, the configuration page will be available from anywhere. If
1489          * true, it will only be accessible from the server hosting juddi-gui.
1490          * if not defined, the result is true.
1491          *
1492          * @return true/false
1493          */
1494         public boolean isAdminLocalhostOnly() {
1495                 return clientConfig.getConfiguration().getBoolean(PROP_ADMIN_LOCALHOST_ONLY, true);
1496         }
1498         public String verifyLogin() {
1499                 EnsureConfig();
1500                 if (style != AuthStyle.UDDI_AUTH) {
1501                         if (WS_Transport) {
1502                                 BindingProvider bp = null;
1503                                 Map<String, Object> context = null;
1505                                 bp = (BindingProvider) juddi;
1506                                 context = bp.getRequestContext();
1507                                 context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username"));
1508                                 context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key"))));
1509                         }
1510                         FindBusiness fb = new FindBusiness();
1511                         fb.setListHead(0);
1512                         fb.setMaxRows(1);
1513                         fb.setFindQualifiers(new FindQualifiers());
1514                         fb.getFindQualifiers().getFindQualifier().add(UDDIConstants.APPROXIMATE_MATCH);
1515                         fb.getName().add(new Name(UDDIConstants.WILDCARD, null));
1516                         try {
1517                                 GetPublisherDetail publisherDetail = new GetPublisherDetail();
1518                                 publisherDetail.getPublisherId().add((String) session.getAttribute("username"));
1519                                 juddi.getPublisherDetail(publisherDetail);
1521                         } catch (Exception ex) {
1522                                 return HandleException(ex);
1523                         }
1524                         /*
1525                          bp = (BindingProvider) juddi;
1526                          context = bp.getRequestContext();
1527                          context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute("username"));
1528                          context.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, session.getAttribute(AES.Decrypt("password", (String) properties.get("key"))));*/
1529                         return null;
1530                 } else {
1531                         if (token != null) {
1532                                 return token;
1533                         }
1534                         if (WS_Transport) {
1535                                 BindingProvider bp = null;
1536                                 Map<String, Object> context = null;
1538                                 bp = (BindingProvider) juddi;
1539                                 context = bp.getRequestContext();
1540                                 context.remove(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY);
1541                                 context.remove(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY);
1542                         }
1543                         GetAuthToken req = new GetAuthToken();
1544                         try {
1545                                 if (security == null) {
1546                                         security = transport.getUDDISecurityService();
1547                                 }
1548                         } catch (Exception ex) {
1549                                 return HandleException(ex);
1550                         }
1551                         if (session.getAttribute("username") != null
1552                                 && session.getAttribute("password") != null) {
1553                                 req.setUserID((String) session.getAttribute("username"));
1554                                 req.setCred(AES.Decrypt((String) session.getAttribute("password"), (String) properties.get("key")));
1555                       "AUDIT: fetching auth token for " + req.getUserID() + " Auth Mode is " + ((security == null) ? "HTTP" : "AUTH_TOKEN"));
1556                                 try {
1557                                         AuthToken authToken = security.getAuthToken(req);
1558                                         token = authToken.getAuthInfo();
1559                                         return null;
1560                                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1561                                         return HandleException(ex);
1562                                 }
1563                         }
1564                 }
1565                 return "Unexpected error";
1566         }
1568         public String SendAdvanced(Object request, String method) {
1569                 StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
1570                 Object result=null;
1571                 try {
1572                         if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("save_ClientSubscriptionInfo")) {
1573                                 SaveClientSubscriptionInfo x = (SaveClientSubscriptionInfo) request;
1574                                 x.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1575                                 ClientSubscriptionInfoDetail saveClientSubscriptionInfo = null;
1576                                 try {
1577                                         result = juddi.saveClientSubscriptionInfo(x);
1578                                         sw.append("Success:<br>");
1579                                         //JAXB.marshal(saveClientSubscriptionInfo, sw);
1580                                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1581                                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1582                                                 token = null;
1583                                                 x.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1584                                                 result = juddi.saveClientSubscriptionInfo(x);
1585                                                 sw.append("Success:<br>");
1586                                                 //JAXB.marshal(saveClientSubscriptionInfo, sw);
1588                                         } else {
1589                                                 throw ex;
1590                                         }
1591                                 }
1593                         }
1594                         if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("invoke_SyncSubscription")) {
1595                                 SyncSubscription x = (SyncSubscription) request;
1596                                 x.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1597                                 SyncSubscriptionDetail invokeSyncSubscription = null;
1598                                 try {
1599                                         result = juddi.invokeSyncSubscription(x);
1600                                         sw.append("Success:<br>");
1601                                         //JAXB.marshal(invokeSyncSubscription, sw);
1602                                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1603                                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1604                                                 token = null;
1605                                                 x.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1606                                                 result = juddi.invokeSyncSubscription(x);
1607                                                 sw.append("Success:<br>");
1608                                                 //JAXB.marshal(invokeSyncSubscription, sw);
1610                                         } else {
1611                                                 throw ex;
1612                                         }
1613                                 }
1615                         }
1616                         if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("admin_SaveBusiness")) {
1617                                 AdminSaveBusiness x = (AdminSaveBusiness) request;
1619                                 DispositionReport adminSaveBusiness = null;
1621                                 try {
1622                                         result = juddi.adminSaveBusiness(GetToken(), x.getValues());
1623                                         sw.append("Success:<br>");
1624                                         //JAXB.marshal(adminSaveBusiness, sw);
1626                                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1627                                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1628                                                 token = null;
1629                                                 x.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1630                                                 result = juddi.adminSaveBusiness(GetToken(), x.getValues());
1631                                                 sw.append("Success:<br>");
1632                                                // JAXB.marshal(adminSaveBusiness, sw);
1634                                         } else {
1635                                                 throw ex;
1636                                         }
1637                                 }
1638                         }
1639                         if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("admin_SaveTModel")) {
1640                                 AdminSaveTModel x = (AdminSaveTModel) request;
1642                                 DispositionReport adminSaveTModel = null;
1643                                 try {
1644                                         result = juddi.adminSaveTModel(GetToken(), x.getValues());
1645                                         sw.append("Success:<br>");
1646                                         //JAXB.marshal(adminSaveTModel, sw);
1648                                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1649                                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1650                                                 token = null;
1651                                                 x.setAuthInfo(GetToken());
1652                                                 result = juddi.adminSaveTModel(GetToken(), x.getValues());
1653                                                 sw.append("Success:<br>");
1654                                                 //JAXB.marshal(adminSaveTModel, sw);
1656                                         } else {
1657                                                 throw ex;
1658                                         }
1659                                 }
1661                         }
1663                         if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("admin_SaveSubscription")) {
1664                                 AdminSaveSubscriptionRequest x = (AdminSaveSubscriptionRequest) request;
1665                                 Holder<List<Subscription>> holder = new Holder<List<Subscription>>(x.getSubscriptions());
1666                                 try {
1667                                         juddi.adminSaveSubscription(GetToken(), x.getPublisherOrUsername(), holder);
1668                                         sw.append("Success:<br>");
1669                                         result=holder;
1670                                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1671                                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1672                                                 token = null;
1674                                                 juddi.adminSaveSubscription(GetToken(), x.getPublisherOrUsername(), holder);
1675                                                 sw.append("Success:<br>");
1676                                                 result=holder;
1678                                         } else {
1679                                                 throw ex;
1680                                         }
1681                                 }
1682                         }
1683                         if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("set_ReplicationNodes")) {
1684                                 ReplicationConfiguration x = (ReplicationConfiguration) request;
1685                                 //    Holder<List<Subscription>> holder = new Holder<List<Subscription>>(x.getSubscriptions());
1686                                 try {
1687                                         result = juddi.setReplicationNodes(GetToken(), x);
1688                                         sw.append("Success:<br>");
1689                                        // JAXB.marshal(setReplicationNodes, sw);
1690                                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1691                                         if (isExceptionExpiration(ex)) {
1692                                                 token = null;
1694                                                 result = juddi.setReplicationNodes(GetToken(), x);
1695                                                 sw.append("Success:<br>");
1696                                                 //JAXB.marshal(setReplicationNodes, sw);
1698                                         } else {
1699                                                 throw ex;
1700                                         }
1701                                 }
1702                         }
1704                 } catch (Exception ex) {
1705                         return HandleException(ex);
1706                 }
1707                 if (result!=null){
1708                         try {
1709                                 return sw.toString() + "<br>" + PrettyPrintJaxbObject(result);
1710                         } catch (Exception ex) {
1711                                 return HandleException(ex);
1712                         }
1713                 }
1714                 return "Error! no work was done?";
1716         }
1718 }